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Aim of this project is the establishment of an open and integrative IT platform consisting of a central server and a decentralized gateway application which collects individual health data for personalized medicine (PM). The mobile gateway is to be used to gather data from patients with long term health issues from their everyday life environments with as less interference as possible. Data encloses vital signs from body area sensors such as wearables as well as patient reported outcomes. The data collected can then be analysed to monitor the course of a disease between two clinical examinations. Therefor a non-commercial smartphone application and backend system (bwHealthApp) is developed to provide personalized monitoring of relevant data to support a long term therapy by an attending physician.

Projektname:  bwHealthApp 
Laufzeit:  September 2017 - Oktober 2021
Fördergeber:  Ministerium für Soziales und Integration Baden-Württemberg
Projektkoordinator:  Fakultät Informatik - Hochschule Reutlingen
Projektpartner:   Universitätsklinikum Tübingen / ZPM Tübingen
Christian Thies

Christian Thies, Prof. Dr. rer. medic. | +49 7121 271 4076

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