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TELEDerm Interim

As a continuation and further evalutation of the application of teledermatology in the TELEDerm study, a very similar system was developed as a complete open-source solution. We partnered with AOK-BW in order to evaluate our system while operating in actual general practices in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. AOK-BW benefits from general insights into the telemedical process which add to the development of their own software which will be able to handle a large-scale roll out.

We are currently in the process of preparing a full release of all required components which are necessary for a technical implementation of teledermatological consults in a German GP-centered setting. The system will be able to perform well in a research-oriented business model on a small to moderate scale.

    Projektname:  TELEDerm Interim                                                                              
    Laufzeit:  Oktober 2019 - Juni 2021
    Christian Thies

    Christian Thies, Prof. Dr. rer. medic. | +49 7121 271 4076

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