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UX-Design & Standardisierung des Management-Reportings

Bosch Data VisualizationManual (BDVM): The main goal is to provide a suitable standard visualization for the topic information design. That means, that every chart or table should have a common look and feel. But not only the “design” is on our focus, also one of our main goals is to ensure that every visualization has a deliverable information. Especially one question should be asked while planning a report: “What information will I deliver with the visualization?”.

Projektname:  UX-Design & Standardisierung des Management-Reportings & der Management-Dashboards
Laufzeit:  April 2014 - Juni 2018 
Fördergeber:  Robert Bosch GmbH
Projektkoordinator:  Prof. Roth
Armin Roth

Armin Roth, Prof. Dipl.-Kfm.

Armin.Roth@dont-want-spam.Reutlingen-University.DE | +49 7121 271 4027